Cadbury Hot Chocolate Recipe

Cadbury Hot Chocolate Recipe
Sophie Parker

Another lockdown is upon us, but this doesn't mean you can't create delicious hot chocolate recipes at home. 

This time of year we love nothing more than a comforting mug of hot chocolate, especially when Cadbury is involved. If you're a Cadbury fan, you'll love this recipe...



  1. Add 2 tsp of Cadbury Drinking Chocolate to a mug and mix with a small amount of hot water.
  2. Pour the cold semi-skimmed milk into a metal pitcher and steam to approx. 60°C. Once steamed, pour the milk into the chocolate mix. (If you can't steam the milk at home, heat the milk in a saucepan and then add to the hot chocolate, but increase the quantity of milk from 150ml to 200ml).
  3. Top with squirty cream.
  4. Crush up the Crunchie bar and sprinkle this over the spray cream, along with the popcorn. 
  5. Drizzle over the caramel sauce. 
  6. To finish, add 2 Cadbury fingers into the squirty cream.
  7. Sit back and enjoy the deliciousness! 





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