Helping you with the Pub Quiz

Helping you with the Pub Quiz
ADS Coffee Supplies Admin

As a nation we drink millions of cups of coffee a day, and at Allied Drinks we definitely make our own dent in that.

But despite it being a drink that plays a key part in the everyday routine of millions of Brits, I’ve realised that most people know next to nothing about it.

So, given that coffee is our business, I thought I’d share a few facts about it with you; if they help you win a pub quiz one day, then they’ll have done their job! 

  • Coffee grows on – yep, you’ve guessed it – coffee plants. The beans grow inside “coffee cherries”.  On first glance you’d think they were delicious berries, but instead they’re housing the beans we rely on!
  • The first plant was discovered in Ethiopia, and that’s still where half of the world’s coffee comes from.
  • It takes about four years for a plant to start bearing fruit; one year to start flowering, and another 2 or 3 before the fruit arrives.
  • It’s the 2nd largest traded commodity in the world, after crude oil.
  • And my personal favourite: in Ancient Arab culture, a woman could only divorce her husband if he didn’t provide her with enough coffee! 

If you fancy a great coffee, feel free to pop in and see us. 

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